Khmer New Year Celebration
Khmer New Year celebration is an annual event that we are looking forward to. Every year, we gather our employees on this special occasion to eat, drink, dance and have fun. To add to the festive occasion, there are door gifts and lucky draws. As a Malaysia-based company with multi-cultural employees, we always embrace diversity and promote inclusiveness. Celebrating this joyful festival is always on our agenda.
Khmer New Year
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Our coming Khmer New Year Celebration – 09/04/2022
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Covid 19 Prevention
Covid 19 Preventive Actions
Since the onset of Covid 19 pandemic, BSSL has taken several preventive measures to protect our workers from exposure to the virus. We always put the safety of our workers at the forefront of our attention.
All our workers undergo Covid 19 tests regularly.
We distribute new mask to our workers every morning, enforce frequent temperature check and proper disinfection. We ensure our workers are alert to and informed about the pandemic.
We engage professional disinfecting fogging company to perform thorough disinfection in our factories
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World AIDS Day
Wearing red ribbon on 1 December has become a norm in BSSL. We distributed 500 red ribbons to our workers on World Aids Day to raise awareness on HIV. The red ribbon is the universal symbol of awareness and support for people living with HIV.
We have also organised a talk on HIV to our workers showcasing the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and prevention. To manifest our value of care, passion, commitment and sustainability, we urge our workers to be passionate and do not stigmatise HIV communities.
About World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day takes place on 1 December each year for people to unit in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness.
Over 75,000 people are living with HIV in Cambodia. HIV new infection peaked in 1997 at 14,000 cases. Many efforts have been put into fighting against the virus over the past 2 decades and Cambodia has seen the reduction of new infection to 1100 cases in year 2020. World AIDS Day is important because it reminds us to increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education.
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Human Rights
BSSL is committed to ensuring that all employees are treated with dignity and respect. We implement a policy of support for internationally recognized human rights and seek to avoid complicity in human rights abuses. We support the ILO Core Conventions on Labor Standards.
Health and Safety
Realizing the hardship caused by accidents and in recognizing the importance of the individual employees to the company, the management undertakes to work for Health and Safety policy for all operations. Employees are called on to develop a sense of Health and Safety consciousness and to co-operate among themselves to prevent injuries caused by human errors or environment defect. Constructive ideas are welcome.
In the course of implementing the Health and Safety policy, the management undertake to:
- Participate actively in accident prevention program;
- Ensure that the Health and Safety is planned for all operations;
- Provide regular safety training and education for all employees;
- Control pollution within the premises for conservation of the environment;
- Consistently adhere to all relevant legal requirement; and
- Maintain a safe and healthy working environment
Beauty Silk Screen Limited is committed to leading the industry in minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment. As a company, we act in compliance with the law relating to the environment and are committed to the integration of sound environmental practices in our business decisions. We recognize the direct and indirect environmental impacts of our operations and support the principles of sustainable development.
The key points of our strategy to achieve these in Beauty Silk Screen Ltd are:
- Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company
- Minimise the waste produced in all parts of our business
- Minimise toxic emissions through the selection and use of materials and the source of power requirement
- Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers
- Support the integration of environmental considerations and objectives into our business decisions
- Seek to conserve natural resources by ensuring responsible use of energy, water and materials
- Raise the awareness of environmental issues among our staff and enlist their support in improving the Company’s performance
- Continue to review the environmental impacts of our business to identify and, where practicable, set ourselves improvement targets and monitor progress
- To evaluate proposed new equipment, materials, procedures and systems for environmental impact, before introducing them
Chemical Handling
BSSL, in alignment with ZDHC, commits to lead the industry implementing the Chemical Management System to protect its employees, consumers and environment. BSSL, in adopting ZDHC, is addressing hazardous chemicals holistically through processes: Input Control, Process Control and Output Control.
To achieve these, the management undertake to:
- Comply with all applicable local law and regulation
- Minimize chemical risk to employees
- Provide Chemical Management System Training to employees
- Adopt ZDHC Wastewater Guideline
- Comply with buyers RSL Standard or AFIRM RSL
- Publish ZDHC Wastewater Test Report on ZDHC Gateway
- Upload Chemical Inventory List to CleanChain or BVE3 to get InCheck Report
- Conduct Higg Index Self-Assessment (FEM) and Third Party Verification
- Ensure chemical traceability